Bond With Your Baby With SwimWay Swimming Lessons
Taking a parent and baby swimming class is the perfect way to bond with your baby. It is a special connection between a child and their parents built on love, support and trust. This bond can be nurtured by spending time together, learning, teaching and play. These are all benefits of taking parent & baby swimming lessons. This kind of bonding is so important. This kind of attention it has been shown to help a child’s emotional stability in later life.
Our parent & baby classes begin at 3 months. This kind of social behaviour is vital at this age. It helps to form the foundation for causal learning and more sophisticated understanding of the physical and social worlds. Learning with a group of other parents and children is a wonderful social weekly activity for you both. Especially in the warm, private venues that we offer.
Holding your child in the water, having contact while learning how to support them. Helping guide them in the water and the environment. All of this helps you bond with your baby as they learn to trust your guidance. Have fun together every week, out of the house, away from everyday life and the crowds of a public pool!
It is also a great opportunity for you to socialise with other mums. Many of our clients have moved to London from another country. These classes are great for metting new people. Not to mention helping your baby to begin building their own social skills.
Click here to to learn more about SwimWay Parent & Baby Swimming lessons