Rent your pool to SwimWay Swimming School! The relationships we build with our partners and clients are long-lasting, and based on mutual trust and respect.
We have been working in private homes for over a decade now. This has helped us develop an understanding of how to run the business with minimal interference in the lives and personal space of the pool owners. Our business history with exclusive hotels and health clubs has proven to be hugely effective. We provide a highly sought-after service, making membership and visits more attractive, whilst retaining the image and exclusivity of the location. Last, but certainly not least, we have nurtured many long-lasting relationships with London schools. When you rent your pool to SwimWay, not only do we offer an excellent extra-mural activity for the children, but we work with the schools themselves, giving them access to our array of top-end instructors and lifeguards for their own swimming activities and events.