SwimWay Swimming School Safeguarding Policy
Safeguarding Policy
The safeguarding of SwimWay swimmers is a priority for our instructors and other staff. Participants are entitled to lessons run in a safe environment regardless of ability, gender, race, religion and disability. SwimWay acknowledges and adheres to the guidance in the STA Swimming Teaching Code of Practice Safeguarding. We expect teachers, parents and swimmers to understand their responsibilities. Thus ensuring participants safety at our facilities before, during and after their lessons.
Key practice principles followed by SwimWay
- Ensuring all lessons are based on the needs and interests of the student
- Challenging any inappropriate or dangerous behaviour exhibited by participants, parents or teachers
- Where instructors are with a child, lessons are to be carried out in accordance with instructors’ qualification and training. Where physical contact is required in order to assist a child, contact with costume areas is to be avoided
- To teach in an open environment. Parents or carers supervise children during lessons by being present on the poolside
- Instructors are not permitted in designated changing areas whilst in use by children and/or parents/carers
- Wherever possible, additional consent must be obtained from parents/carers before emergency first aid or medical treatment is sought. However, this shouldn't unnecessarily delay the administering of any treatment required
- Instructors to be appointed in line with STA Swimming Teacher Code of Practice and have appropriate qualifications.
- All instructors to be DBS checked and hold current relevant insurance
- All instructors to undertake termly practical first aid and pool safety operating procedure courses provided by SwimWay
This list is not exhaustive. These principles are reviewed and updated if necessary on a regular basis.
Responding to disclosure, suspicions or allegations
If you have a question or concern regarding child welfare, be it poor practice or possible abuse, this should be reported to the following:
- SwimWay Welfare Officer – Dan Pastor Tel. 0208 8713972
- Childline – 0800 1111; or
- NSPCC helpline – 0808 800 5000
SwimWay’s Welfare officer can liaise directly with the governing body and or the Police.
Confidentiality will be maintained at all times and only disseminated on a need to know basis.