Autumn Term SwimWay Health & Safety Team Training 2016

At SwimWay, we pride ourselves on the quality of our instructors. The culture of safety and improvement through team training is what makes us stand out in the crowd.

At the start of every term of swimming lessons, SwimWay instructors undergo health and safety team training. Thus keeping us up to date on the latest techniques and procedures for working with children.

Specialised health and safety consultant David Perry shares his wealth of knowledge with us. He works with SwimWay to create the best safety training for our staff. As a result, he helps create better and safer classes for your children.

health and safety training

Every parent wants to know that their child will be safe. As a company we take that responsibility very seriously. Thus we ensure our team training is undertaken three times a year at the start of every SwimWay term. That is far more regular than the legal minimum of once every two years.

SwimWay has a unique methodology and teaches at a mixed bag of different private facilities. We mould our training sessions to specially cater for this. Each of our pools is different. So our training reflects this, taking into account the restrictions of each pool location.

These sessions provide an opportunity to ask questions and discuss methods. Possible incidents and correct procedures are presented and discussed. Additionally, instructors re-enact scenarios from minor scrapes to serious illnesses and the need to administer CPR.

Click here to find out more about SwimWay’s health & safety policies.