Mastering Breaststroke: The SwimWay Methodology

At SwimWay, we recognise the intricacies of teaching breaststroke and commit to ensuring that every instructor excels in imparting its nuances to our students. Led by our Head of Swimming, Tamsin Watt, and our Training & Development Supervisor, Lydia Baxter, our recent Summer Term Team Training session provided a comprehensive recap of the SwimWay breaststroke methodology.

Understanding the Importance

Before delving into the specifics, it’s crucial to understand why we focused on breaststroke in the meeting. The teaching of breaststroke can sometimes lack the depth and precision it deserves. This can hinder a student’s development. Thus, we aim to refine our approach and meticulously address every aspect of breaststroke instruction.

  1. Mastering the Kick: The foundation of any stroke lies in its propulsion technique. Tamsin and Lydia emphasised starting with the kick, breaking it down into manageable steps. Instructors were encouraged to begin by practicing foot rotation while seated on the wall. This can then transition to in-water practice, focusing on maintaining proper body position and knee alignment. Tamsin and Lydia also highlighted the importance of avoiding bringing knees too close to the chest, which can impede forward movement.
  2. Introducing the Breath: Breath control is integral to effective swimming, and breaststroke is no exception. Our approach involves gradual introduction, starting with streamline drills and incorporating breath timing with kick sequences. Prioritising proper sequencing is imporrant – breath followed by kicks – to ensure fluidity and efficiency in motion.
  3. Incorporating the Arms: With the foundation laid, attention can then shift to the arms. Instructors should guide students through the arm pull, emphasising gradual progression in width and maintaining alignment with the shoulder line. Streamline drills can then be revisited, this time integrating arm movements alongside breath and kick sequences. Consistency and precision are important here, ensuring that each component seamlessly complements the others.
  4. Perfecting Timing and Coordination: As the pieces come together, the focus shifts to timing and coordination. Instructors should guide students through the full stroke, emphasising the sequence of movements – arms, breath, kick, glide. Through deliberate practice, students will learn to synchronise each element, culminating in a seamless and efficient breaststroke motion.

The SwimWay breaststroke methodology is more than just a series of steps; it’s an approach aimed at nurturing proficiency and confidence in every swimmer. By focusing on foundational techniques, gradual progression, and attention to detail, our instructors can empower students to master this stroke with grace and precision. Learn more by following us on Instagram!