SwimWay Summer Term 2019 Team Training

On Sunday 28th April, the entire SwimWay team was once again brought together for the termly team training session. This is an excellent opportunity for the team to meet, exchange ideas, resolve issues, and undergo the health and safety refresher course.
Specialist SwimWay health and safety consultant David Perry took one half of the group through the refresher course and SwimWay Health & Safety policies and procedures. Meanwhile, SwimWay MD Dan Pastor and Head of Swimming Tamsin Watt took the staff through operational matters.
Health & Safety Training
Dave split his group into two teams and ran a competitive question-and-answer session based around the SwimWay NOP and EOP. With the prize of chocolates going to the winning team, stakes were high! Topics included:
- Emergency Calls – number to ring, things to say
- Severe bleed to foot (MAJOR EMERGENCY) – procedures
- Nosebleed (MINOR EMERGENCY) – procedure
- Vomit or faeces in the pool
- Diarrhoea in the pool (MAJOR/ADDITIONAL EMERGENCY) – procedure
The winning team!
Following this, Dave took the team through the practical CPR refresher course on the following categories of manikin:
- Adult Sudden Collapse
- Child
- Infant
Operational Meeting
Dan opened by taking the team through his vision for the summer term and beyond. He broke some great news about new SwimWay venues that we hope to open next year, so watch this space! Then he explained the positive impact this would have on the operation and team, and how it would affect the current business model.
He went on to discuss each instructor’s obligations when in the employ of SwimWay. Touching upon emergency and ordinary procedures that would be covered in more detail with Dave Perry. He also reminded them about how important it is to work closely with the booking team, and creating a routine when it comes to the admin aspect of their work.
He then introduced the two new team members Sara Lagana and Kasia Janicka. While SwimWay has a very low turnover, we do see new blood enter the team from time to time. Thus, this term we have these two amazing new talents who will be the backbone behind our new Clapham Common Pool!
Sara Lagana Kasia Janicka
Tamsin started her part of the meeting by reminding the team about the SwimWay Child Protection Policy. The child protection course is mandatory for every instructor to complete. SwimWay keeps records of these certificates, ensuring everyone is always up-to-date.
She highlighted the importance of being a team player, and going above and beyond to ensure we are the best team we can be. She used The Kensington Head Coach and Site Manager David Ashton as a good example. Last term we lost our cleaner at this venue just before the Easter Courses began. It took us two weeks to find a suitable replacement, and during this time, David took on cleaning duties at Kensington with no hesitation whatsoever. It is this type of commitment and care that we value in our team. Way to go Davo!
Tamsin took the team through various ideas of how we can continue to grow as a team:
- Be prepared for any situation
- Take responsibility
- Create a warm and healthy environment
- Work on lesson planning, and remember to be adaptable
- Communication is key!
Once the meeting reached its end, a few team pictures were snapped before everyone headed to the local for a quick drink and a friendly catch up. It is so important for us to take advantage of these meetings where everyone is together. As a result, a friendly atmosphere between staff members always influences the environment at our venues!